
recipe inspiration Allison Brazzel recipe inspiration Allison Brazzel

Recipe Inspiration: Southern Classics

Growing up in the South, there were some classics that I knew I couldn’t let go of when I changed my diet. Mac and cheese has always been one of my favorite foods. But what do you do when you no longer eat dairy and can’t add 3 kinds of cheese and butter? Making classics without dairy and meat proved to be challenging in the beginning, but with some time and experimenting I’ve been able to make plant-based meals that don’t feel like they are missing anything.

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recipe inspiration Allison Brazzel recipe inspiration Allison Brazzel

Recipe Inspiration: Salads

I’ll be honest. I hate when people tell me there’s a plant-based option on the menu, and it’s just a simple salad. A side salad with a single tomato slice is not a meal, and I don’t want to remove the cheese, bacon, and dressing from the full salad in order to eat it.

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